PCJ Energy

Bryan, TX

This drill rig model for PCJ Energy, Bryan, TX was created for an office display as well as a trade show piece. Plans are to add components to the rig model that will eventually complete it.

"At trade shows or in the office, the scale model replica built for our firm by Mitch Griess is an incredible recreation of the rigs we in the industry observe daily in the course of doing our work. The precision of every detail at the drill site is incredible. The fact that, at a recent show, the rig caught the eye of those who actually work on the rigs is proof of the true precision Mitch applies to every detail...awesome!" - Paul Jeane, CEO of PCJ Energy.

Contact MPR Models today to get pricing on a drill rig model, workover rig model or any other oilfiled related model for your museum, office or classroom.